Daily report changes for District 29 as of Tue Apr 16 10:08:20 2019

October dues report

0 October dues status change(s) found, 126 clubs paid out of 134 clubs, 94.0%


Unpaid October dues

A133336-Mount Vernon Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
A145540281-Story Improv Humor**Renewals not here**
B215579455-A-One Communcation Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
B231955470-High FIBER ToastmastersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
B245695-Speak Your Mind Club**Renewals not here**
C354619085-29 StorytellersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
D425740643-Look Who's Talking**Renewals not here**
E525602136-Tree of BeingLow - Minimum requirement not yet met

April dues report

AreaClubOld statusNew status
F646785594-Allstate Capital Region ToastmastersArrived - not verified - 4/2/19Verified complete - 4/12/19
1 April dues status change(s) found, 108 clubs paid out of 134 clubs, 80.6%


April dues report by division

Division% paid# unpaidNames
C85.0%3Peridot, Capital One McLean, 29 Storytellers
G82.4%3Dedicated To Mentoring - Advanced, Build a Bridge, GEICO Fredericksburg
A81.2%3Speak Up More Often (SUMO), Mount Vernon, Story Improv Humor
D76.2%5Too long to list
B75.0%5A-One Communcation, New World Bilingual, High FIBER, Speak Your Mind, STAMPS
E73.9%6Too long to list

July officer lists report

0 July officer list status change(s) found, 133 clubs filed out of 134 clubs, 99.3%


Clubs not reporting July officer lists

B245695-Speak Your Mind ClubList Not Here

January officer lists report

0 January officer list status change(s) found, 6 clubs filed out of 7 clubs, 85.7%


Clubs not reporting January officer lists

B245443968-STAMPSList Not Here

Education report

C331269860-ASBC Toastmasters EC11
G71619556-Woodbridge Toastmasters Club #619556 IP11
G733258313-Five Shields EC22
3 education status change(s) found, totals are: 14 ACB, 20 ACG, 23 ACS, 22 ALB, 14 ALS,
    68 CC, 34 CL, 34 DL1, 8 DL2, 2 DL3, 16 DTM, 20 EC1, 10 EC2, 3 EC3, 1 EC4, 39 IP1, 8 IP2, 3 IP3, 1 IP4, 1 IP5, 13 LD1, 6 LD2, 2 LD3, 1 LD4, 24 LDREXC, 8 MS1, 4 MS2, 2 MS3, 2 MS5, 7 PI1, 2 PI2, 1 PI3, 1 PI4, 33 PM1, 17 PM2, 6 PM3, 3 PM4, 2 PM5, 1 PWMENTORPGM, 3 SR1, 1 SR2, 1 SR4, 1 SR5, 11 TC1, 3 TC2, 2 TC3, 1 TC4, 12 VC1, 3 VC2, 5 VC3, 6 VC4, 1 VC5
Totals: 68 CCs, 57 ACs, 130 CLs/OCLs/ALs/DTMs

New club report

0 new club(s) found (3 total for year)

New prospective club report

0 new prospective club(s) found (13 total)