Daily report changes for District 29 as of Mon Oct 11 10:06:54 2021

October dues report

0 October dues status change(s) found, 114 clubs paid out of 142 clubs, 80.3%


October dues report by division

Division% paid# unpaidNames
F88.2%2Get The Edge, Mangalam Legacy
A88.2%2T-S-A: Tackling Speaking Aggressively, Gribble Gatekeepers
C85.0%3Red Hat Tysons, Confidently Speaking, Avocado
D80.0%5Reston VIP, Talking Titans, AWSome PSA, DMV Toastlers, Phoenix
B78.3%5Too long to list
G75.0%5Build a Bridge, S3, Five Shields, GEICO Fredericksburg, Wilderness
E70.0%6Too long to list

April dues report

0 April dues status change(s) found, 136 clubs paid out of 142 clubs, 95.8%


Unpaid April dues

B211562711-New World Bilingual Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
B245443968-STAMPS**Renewals not here**
E512430060-Neustar Tech Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
E512188228-Space Talkers**Renewals not here**
E531673805-Towerview Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
G744840580-GEICO Fredericksburg**Renewals not here**

July officer lists report

0 July officer list status change(s) found, 135 clubs filed out of 142 clubs, 95.1%


Clubs not reporting July officer lists

B211562711-New World Bilingual ToastmastersList Not Here
B245443968-STAMPSList Not Here
C337218917-Avocado ToastmastersList Not Here
E512430060-Neustar Tech ToastmastersList Not Here
E512188228-Space TalkersList Not Here
E531673805-Towerview ToastmastersList Not Here
G744840580-GEICO FredericksburgList Not Here

January officer lists report

0 January officer list status change(s) found, 5 clubs filed out of 5 clubs, 100.0%


Education report

B231600912-Toast of Oakton DL27
B231600912-Toast of Oakton DL37
B231600912-Toast of Oakton PWMENTORPGM7
3 education status change(s) found, totals are: 170 TOTAL, 6 DL1, 7 DL2, 6 DL3, 4 DL4, 1 DL5, 1 DTM, 2 EC1, 4 EC2, 2 EC3, 1 EC4, 1 EC5, 3 EH1, 1 EH2, 3 EH3, 2 EH4, 1 EH5, 1 IP1, 2 IP3, 2 IP4, 1 IP5, 6 LD1, 4 LD2, 3 LD3, 1 LD4, 1 LD5, 4 MS1, 2 MS2, 3 MS4, 4 MS5, 4 PI1, 2 PI2, 1 PI3, 1 PI4, 1 PI5, 21 PM1, 12 PM2, 8 PM3, 4 PM4, 1 PM5, 3 PWMENTORPGM, 1 SR1, 3 SR2, 4 SR3, 3 SR4, 1 SR5, 1 TC1, 4 TC2, 2 TC3, 2 TC4, 6 VC1, 4 VC2, 2 VC3

New club report

0 new club(s) found (0 total for year)

New prospective club report

0 new prospective club(s) found (3 total)