Daily report changes for District 55 as of Tue Jul 6 10:09:55 2021

October dues report

0 October dues status change(s) found, 175 clubs paid out of 193 clubs, 90.7%


Unpaid October dues

F227474969-Emerging Leaders of Gonzaba**Renewals not here**
F247675831-Medically SpeakingLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
F24830146-Seadrifters Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
F267400356-American Bar Association (ABA) - Probar Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
G317030400-Toastmasters Orating At The Rio**Renewals not here**
H442730104-Rising ToastmastersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
H447299235-HDR San Antonio Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
H467645424-SAPL ToastmastersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
I526576025-Brave Little ToastmastersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
I531122323-HACA**Renewals not here**
J612263-Toast Matters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
J622003053-Austin Life SpeakersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
J634573-Dynamic Public SpeakersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
K736960504-Life's A Speech**Renewals not here**
K737413862-Planview Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
K754011055-Sogeti Austin Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
L831363518-Shoreline ToastmastersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
L855663394-Tech Toast**Renewals not here**

April dues report

0 April dues status change(s) found, 161 clubs paid out of 193 clubs, 83.4%


April dues report by division

Division% paid# unpaidNames
G92.9%2Toastmasters Orating At The Rio, USAA TM Night
H88.9%3Rising, HDR San Antonio, SAPL
I88.9%3Capital Ridge Orators, Brave Little, HACA
L88.5%3Shoreline, Farmers Northstars, Tech Toast
J77.4%7Too long to list
K75.9%7Too long to list
F72.0%7Too long to list

July officer lists report

0 July officer list status change(s) found, 0 clubs filed out of 193 clubs, 0.0%


July officer list report by division

Division% lists in# missingName
H0.0%27Too long to list
F0.0%25Too long to list
J0.0%31Too long to list
K0.0%29Too long to list
I0.0%27Too long to list
G0.0%28Too long to list
L0.0%26Too long to list

January officer lists report

0 January officer list status change(s) found, 42 clubs filed out of 44 clubs, 95.5%


Clubs not reporting January officer lists

I526576025-Brave Little ToastmastersList Not Here
K737413862-Planview Toastmasters ClubList Not Here

Education report

0 education status change(s) found, totals are: , 20 ALS, 43 DL1, 36 DL2, 25 DL3, 23 DL4, 9 DL5, 21 DTM, 24 EC1, 27 EC2, 18 EC3, 11 EC4, 6 EC5, 39 EH1, 27 EH2, 15 EH3, 11 EH4, 5 EH5, 62 IP1, 59 IP2, 47 IP3, 25 IP4, 11 IP5, 24 LD1, 22 LD2, 17 LD3, 13 LD4, 10 LD5, 15 LDREXC, 30 MS1, 28 MS2, 27 MS3, 10 MS4, 4 MS5, 28 PI1, 16 PI2, 14 PI3, 10 PI4, 6 PI5, 112 PM1, 63 PM2, 43 PM3, 26 PM4, 21 PM5, 9 PWMENTORPGM, 22 SR1, 12 SR2, 7 SR3, 6 SR4, 5 SR5, 16 TC1, 12 TC2, 7 TC3, 3 TC4, 2 TC5, 43 VC1, 30 VC2, 21 VC3, 14 VC4, 7 VC5

New club report

0 new club(s) found (0 total for year)

New prospective club report

0 new prospective club(s) found (8 total)