Daily report changes for District 88 as of Wed Jun 30 10:14:26 2021

October dues report

0 October dues status change(s) found, 174 clubs paid out of 183 clubs, 95.1%


Unpaid October dues

C11853359-NSN Beijing Toastmasters ClubIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
L25894336-Zhengzhou No. 1 Bilingual International TMC**Renewals not here**
I36962811-Volkswagen Group China Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
G33071732-Qingdao No. 1 Mandarin ToastmastersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
E34731823-Chang Chun Highflier Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
D31336415-IBM Beijing Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
C46758248-Beijing Laelia Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
G47709509-Yantai Growth Mindset Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
G47692838-Yantai No. 1 Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**

April dues report

AreaClubOld statusNew status
K16982609-Thales Dalian Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**Arrived - not verified - 6/21/21
1 April dues status change(s) found, 162 clubs paid (+1 arrived) out of 183 clubs, 88.5%


Unpaid April dues

C11381241-The Siemens Orators**Renewals not here**
K16982609-Thales Dalian Toastmasters ClubArrived - not verified - 6/21/21
K17552984-Pfizer GFS Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
G17428095-Qingdao Rocket Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
C11853359-NSN Beijing Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
L25894336-Zhengzhou No. 1 Bilingual International TMC**Renewals not here**
J22991742-Jinan Toastmaster Club**Renewals not here**
G24314803-Qingdao West Coast Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
J25157399-City of Springs Mandarin Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
L27651525-Luoyang No. 1 Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
A32751967-Poly Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
J37083120-Ri'Zhao No. 1 Bilingual Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
I36962811-Volkswagen Group China Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
D31336415-IBM Beijing Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
E34731823-Chang Chun Highflier Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
G33071732-Qingdao No. 1 Mandarin ToastmastersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
F37847857-A.A.C.T.P TJ Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
A36777000-Genesis Beijing CommunityIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
G47709509-Yantai Growth Mindset Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
C46758248-Beijing Laelia Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
G47692838-Yantai No. 1 Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**

July officer lists report

AreaClubOld statusNew status
B12453569-FedEx Purple Talks Toastmasters ClubList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
J17049356-Jinan DocTalk Bilingual Toastmasters ClubList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
L22209647-Yellow RiverList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
B31155869-Supernovas TMCList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
L37807618-Taiyuan Midweek TMCList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
L37846389-Changzhi DTT TMCList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
D45678789-Startups Toastmasters ClubList Not HereReceived - 6/29/21
K43979265-Fidelity Dalian Toastmasters ClubList Not HereReceived - 6/30/21
8 July officer list status change(s) found, 153 clubs filed out of 183 clubs, 83.6%


July officer list report by division

Division% lists in# missingName
B100.0%0All filed
H100.0%0All filed
F93.3%1A.A.C.T.P TJ
E86.7%2Mix Elite, Chang Chun Highflier
D85.7%2Baidu Bilingual, IBM Beijing
K82.4%3Thales Dalian, Dalian Number One, Pfizer GFS
I81.8%2Beijing Bilingual, Volkswagen Group China
J81.2%3City of Springs Mandarin, Jinan Toastmaster, Ri'Zhao No. 1 Bilingual
G78.9%4Qingdao Rocket, Qingdao No. 1 Mandarin, Yantai No. 1, Yantai Growth Mindset
L76.9%3Luoyang No. 1, Zhengzhou No. 1 Bilingual International TMC, Dragon Junior
C70.6%5Too long to list
A64.3%5AmCham China, Novartis Beijing, Poly, Meet My Best, Genesis Beijing Community

January officer lists report

AreaClubOld statusNew status
A17114172-China Central Place Toastmaster Club-Received - 6/19/20
A36777000-Genesis Beijing CommunityReceived - 12/31/20Received - 6/21/21
2 January officer list status change(s) found, 137 clubs filed out of 146 clubs, 93.8%


Clubs not reporting January officer lists

C11853359-NSN Beijing Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
L25894336-Zhengzhou No. 1 Bilingual International TMCList Not Here
G25954050-A.A.C.T.P. Qingdao West Coast Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
G37535305-Wukong Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
E34731823-Chang Chun Highflier Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
C31099609-B&V Beijing Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
G47709509-Yantai Growth Mindset Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
G47692838-Yantai No. 1 Toastmasters ClubList Not Here
C46758248-Beijing Laelia Toastmasters ClubList Not Here

Education report

B21435851-CHIC (Creativity Humor Imagination Club) PM42
B37646068-Beijing ACCA Toastmasters Club PM22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters SR34
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters SR44
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters SR54
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM12
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM12
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters EH12
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters IP32
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters EH22
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM23
I34580537-A.A.C.T.P BJ Toastmasters PM33
J47290334-NOKIA Qingdao Tostmasters Club DL13
J47290334-NOKIA Qingdao Tostmasters Club IP23
18 education status change(s) found, totals are: , 8 ALS, 81 DL1, 60 DL2, 39 DL3, 29 DL4, 21 DL5, 10 DTM, 67 EC1, 48 EC2, 34 EC3, 19 EC4, 11 EC5, 43 EH1, 22 EH2, 11 EH3, 3 EH4, 149 IP1, 115 IP2, 65 IP3, 37 IP4, 16 IP5, 57 LD1, 41 LD2, 19 LD3, 15 LD4, 7 LD5, 10 LDREXC, 31 MS1, 27 MS2, 22 MS3, 15 MS4, 9 MS5, 60 PI1, 32 PI2, 22 PI3, 15 PI4, 5 PI5, 183 PM1, 99 PM2, 49 PM3, 26 PM4, 21 PM5, 34 PWMENTORPGM, 18 SR1, 12 SR2, 6 SR3, 3 SR4, 2 SR5, 32 TC1, 23 TC2, 18 TC3, 7 TC4, 4 TC5, 33 VC1, 22 VC2, 15 VC3, 7 VC4, 3 VC5

New club report

0 new club(s) found (11 total for year)

New prospective club report

0 new prospective club(s) found (10 total)