Daily report changes for District 96 as of Mon Apr 22 10:12:14 2024

October dues report

0 October dues status change(s) found, 95 clubs paid out of 101 clubs, 94.1%


Unpaid October dues

A152938-Pacific Spirit Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
A153078055-DiligentToastmastersLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
B225501-Positive Expressions ClubIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
A116655875-SFU Beedie Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
B246829401-Langara Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
E517789888-Inspirational Speakers Advanced Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met

April dues report

0 April dues status change(s) found, 90 clubs paid out of 101 clubs, 89.1%


Unpaid April dues

B2128677043-ISC BC - CIRNAC TAG NW**Renewals not here**
A1228677197-Invictus Accounting Group**Renewals not here**
A152938-Pacific Spirit Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
A153078055-DiligentToastmastersIneligible - Minimum requirement not yet met
B233169-UBC Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
A153638388-Well-Spoken Professionals (WSP) Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**
B225501-Positive Expressions Club**Renewals not here**
A116655875-SFU Beedie Toastmasters**Renewals not here**
B246829401-Langara Toastmasters ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
A157239-Vancouver - Seymour Speakers ClubLow - Minimum requirement not yet met
E517789888-Inspirational Speakers Advanced Toastmasters Club**Renewals not here**

July officer lists report

0 July officer list status change(s) found, 101 clubs filed out of 101 clubs, 100.0%


January officer lists report

0 January officer list status change(s) found, 12 clubs filed out of 13 clubs, 92.3%


Clubs not reporting January officer lists

A116655875-SFU Beedie ToastmastersList Not Here

Education report

0 education status change(s) found, totals are: 545 TOTAL, 19 DL1, 9 DL2, 9 DL3, 7 DL4, 6 DL5, 6 DTM, 8 EC1, 4 EC2, 7 EC3, 5 EC4, 3 EC5, 18 EH1, 17 EH2, 11 EH3, 8 EH4, 5 EH5, 9 IP1, 7 IP2, 7 IP3, 6 IP4, 3 IP5, 9 LD1, 7 LD2, 3 LD3, 3 LD4, 3 LD5, 13 MS1, 7 MS2, 5 MS3, 1 MS4, 2 MS5, 14 PI1, 10 PI2, 9 PI3, 6 PI4, 1 PI5, 82 PM1, 40 PM2, 27 PM3, 21 PM4, 11 PM5, 4 PWMENTORPGM, 15 SR1, 4 SR2, 4 SR3, 1 SR4, 2 SR5, 5 TC1, 4 TC2, 3 TC3, 2 TC4, 2 TC5, 14 VC1, 14 VC2, 10 VC3, 8 VC4, 5 VC5

New club report

0 new club(s) found (7 total for year)

New prospective club report

0 new prospective club(s) found (2 total)