Distinguished Goals Needed for District 79 -- "To Do"

Eastern Saudi Arabia (as of 2024-04-23). Click on a division or area to jump to it.

Division A: A1 A2 A3 A67
Division B: B6 B10 B22 B38
Division D: D11 D12 D14
Division F: F25 F31 F60 F61
Division G: G7 G8 G45 G72
Division J: J15 J32 J43 J70
Division L: L17 L53 L63 L69
Division M: M20 M41 M42 M50
Division N: N4 N5 N66
Division O: O9 O51 O52
Division Q: Q23 Q71 Q73
Division R: R19 R35 R36 R78
Division S: S47 S57 S58

District 79

To be Distinguished, the district needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the district needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the district needs:
58 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
27 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Division A

Congratulations, division is Select Distinguished.

To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:

8 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
6 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area A1

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7856923-PSIM KSA & Friends Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.

3357904-Bazme Urdu Toastmasters Club has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area A2

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 1 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1157-Toast of COMSOFIL has 5 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.

Area A3

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

Congratulations, area is President's Distinguished.

7797771-Thambapanni Sinhala Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area A67

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
2040331-Speakers of PICE Riyadh has 4 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.
7762557-Garagena TMC has 10 DCP goals but still needs 5 more paid members.

2040331-Speakers of PICE Riyadh has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division B

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
8 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
4 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area B6

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 1 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
5399084-Mobily Never Surrender Toastmasters Club has 8 DCP goals but still needs 17 more paid members.
7879933-MECA KSA Toastmasters has 4 DCP goals but still needs 10 more paid members.

Area B10

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
6569335-Grand Professionals' has 6 DCP goals but still needs 18 more paid members.

7893674-KACST Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7983685-Gulf Advantage Automobiles LLC Toastmasters has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area B22

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
6059-MidEast Mavericks Toastmasters Club has 6 DCP goals but still needs 14 more paid members.

Area B38

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
6646487-Aspiring Leaders Toastmasters Club has 10 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.

1198137-SABIC Stars has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7962133-Ascend Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division D

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
0 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area D11

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

4353736-Jubail Filipino Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7752813-Empower Ladies Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area D12

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

6854579-Elite Stars Toastmasters Club has only 1 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7779249-Erudite Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area D14

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
2990-ELITE Toastmasters Club has 8 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.

1773779-Pertokemya Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
2990-ELITE Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7756528-FDC Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division F

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
5 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area F25

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

1340602-WORLEY TOASTMASTERS CLUB has only 4 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
2412906-URDU Toastmasters Club has only 5 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
2807848-Madhuram Malayalam Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area F31

The area needs 2 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 2 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1097255-Horizon Toastmasters Club has 7 DCP goals but still needs 4 more paid members.
3281462-Al Khobar Tamil Toastmasters Club has 5 DCP goals but still needs 8 more paid members.

3281462-Al Khobar Tamil Toastmasters Club has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
4251144-Jacobz Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
4757688-SLFE Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area F60

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7013378-Perlas Ng Silangan Toastmasters has 7 DCP goals but still needs 18 more paid members.
918581-COSMOS has 9 DCP goals but still needs 10 more paid members.

7013378-Perlas Ng Silangan Toastmasters has only 2 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7828761-ABT Jaguar has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
918581-COSMOS has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area F61

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

3337827-Harmony Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
4343115-Algosaibi Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5359250-Siri Kannada Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division G

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
7 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
3 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area G7

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 2 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7022218-Pioneers has 8 DCP goals but still needs 10 more paid members.
7745277-Speak Up has 7 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.

7022218-Pioneers has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7113498-NABDH Toastmasters Club has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7745277-Speak Up has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area G8

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1427793-La'aLe'e Toastmasters has 9 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.
7030499-REHAB Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 9 more paid members.

6911242-Manahel has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7030499-REHAB Toastmasters Club has only 3 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area G45

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
2523088-Cateus Toastmasters has 9 DCP goals but still needs 2 more paid members.
6051628-Resala has 4 DCP goals but still needs 11 more paid members.
7226502-Maysan Toastmasters has 4 DCP goals but still needs 16 more paid members.

6051628-Resala has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7226502-Maysan Toastmasters has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area G72

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7414274-Qwat AlBaian has 4 DCP goals but still needs 15 more paid members.

5333075-Al Mashael has only 6 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7414274-Qwat AlBaian has only 5 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division J

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
3 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area J15

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
3728020-Alturki Toastmasters Club has 6 DCP goals but still needs 8 more paid members.

1357359-Alif Advanced Toastmasters has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
1895343-ERAM TOASTMASTERS CLUB has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
3728020-Alturki Toastmasters Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area J32

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7468427-Telugu Toastmasters Club has 5 DCP goals but still needs 10 more paid members.

2382680-Seaview Toastmasters Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7468427-Telugu Toastmasters Club has only 10 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
8258-Oasis Toastmasters Club has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area J43

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 2 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

Congratulations, area is Distinguished.

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:

To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

5315326-Black Gold Community Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area J70

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 1 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

1534963-Gulf Alliance Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
6566586-IECEP KSA-ERC has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
9522-PSME-SA & Friends Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division L

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
2 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area L17

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

6806730-NISA - The Pride of Jubail Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area L53

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 2 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7717440-MIND Academy Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 9 more paid members.

5762-Arabian Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7031783-Jubail Voice Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7717440-MIND Academy Toastmasters Club has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area L63

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
3602-Global Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.
7645513-Jubail Malayalam Toastmasters Club has 6 DCP goals but still needs 1 more paid members.

4728990-IDRAK Urdu Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7645513-Jubail Malayalam Toastmasters Club has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7818213-Jubail NextGen Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area L69

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1041934-PERIYAR TOASTMASTERS CLUB has 4 DCP goals but still needs 11 more paid members.

1041934-PERIYAR TOASTMASTERS CLUB has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
2577496-Alawal Toastmasters has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
4913165-Royal Leaders' Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5177604-Darvico Toastmasters Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division M

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
4 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
3 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area M20

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 5 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1059-Dhahran Toastmasters has 5 DCP goals but still needs 9 more paid members.
2279573-JHAH Toastmasters has 4 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.
7225833-PM Toastmasters has 4 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.

1059-Dhahran Toastmasters has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
2279573-JHAH Toastmasters has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area M41

The area needs 5 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 5 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
3616-Ras Tanura Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 7 more paid members.
4772304-Paradigm Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.

3616-Ras Tanura Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
4772304-Paradigm Toastmasters Club has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area M42

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

3222795-Friendly City Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7971913-Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy Toastmasters has only 5 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area M50

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
7643338-Be Vocal Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 4 more paid members.

4770634-Drillorators Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5607273-Ibda'a Women's Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5678599-Fasaha Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7643338-Be Vocal Toastmasters Club has only 6 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division N

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
4 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
2 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area N4

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 1 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
4273931-Elite 30 Advanced Toastmasters Club has 5 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.

4273931-Elite 30 Advanced Toastmasters Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5424973-RIYADH FAMILY TOAST MASTER CLUB has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7013305-Suvanam Tamil Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area N5

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
8490-PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club (PRTC) has 7 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.
925526-Arabian Stallions Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 12 more paid members.

4411256-Energy Toastmasters Club COA-E01 has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
925526-Arabian Stallions Club has only 7 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area N66

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:

To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

Division O

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area O9

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

4819591-McDermott KSA has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
586780-Sahara Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area O51

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 2 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

2175364-TAPROBANE Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7299183-Pakistani Community Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
990731-Diamond Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area O52

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

3528237-Prudent Family Toastmasters has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
657697-Energy Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division Q

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
4 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
0 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area Q23

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
2023097-Qatif Oasis has 7 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.
7702173-Raneem Toastmasters Club has 6 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.
7864178-Alnaseem has 4 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.

2023097-Qatif Oasis has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7702173-Raneem Toastmasters Club has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7864178-Alnaseem has only 9 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area Q71

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
6721954-Danat Toastmasters Club has 5 DCP goals but still needs 5 more paid members.

1068334-OKADH has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7370163-Okadh Spirit has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area Q73

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The February-May club visit goal has been met.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1267758-Asharqia Chamber Toastmasters has 8 DCP goals but still needs 9 more paid members.

1219742-Danat Alkhaleej has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
1267758-Asharqia Chamber Toastmasters has only 11 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division R

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
9 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
4 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area R19

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
1597596-Yallah Banat Ariyadh Toastmasters Club has 4 DCP goals but still needs 3 more paid members.
5975201-Al-Reyadah Toastmasters Club has 7 DCP goals but still needs 8 more paid members.

5975201-Al-Reyadah Toastmasters Club has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7161923-Lasen Club TM has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area R35

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 1 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

5413205-STC Riyadh has only 12 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area R36

The area meets the recognition program requirements for club visits.

Congratulations, area is President's Distinguished.

1536532-The Gold Toastmasters Club (arabic / Men) has 8 DCP goals but still needs 1 more paid members.

Area R78

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
4725065-Al-Qassim has 10 DCP goals but still needs 5 more paid members.

3672404-Rawh Al Qassim Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
6911216-Sulaiman Al Rajhi College Male Students has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Division S

To be Distinguished, the division needs:
To be Select Distinguished, the division needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the division needs:
2 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned so far.
1 clubs have 5+ DCP goals earned and 20+ or +3 members so far.

Area S47

The August-November club visit goal has been met.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

7714280-Qatif Voice has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area S57

The area needs 1 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:

4411164-Energy Toastmasters Club EOA-A01 has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
5680734-KFUPM Sehr Albayan Toastmasters Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
753319-Al-Hasa Club has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).

Area S58

The area needs 3 more August-November club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.
The area needs 3 more February-May club visit(s) to qualify for any level of distinguished.

To be Distinguished, the area needs:

To be Select Distinguished, the area needs:
To be President's Distinguished, the area needs:
3888434-Hajariat Explorer has 5 DCP goals but still needs 6 more paid members.

6643769-Juwatha Toastmasters Club has only 8 members and needs a coach (none assigned).
7657625-Ta'aloq has only 0 members and needs a coach (none assigned).