Totals are also listed by area and by division, though these may not be directly comparable to historical numbers due to district realignments.
Clubs that aren't in the current district alignment (typically due to closing) are grouped under the "ZZZ" section at the bottom.
Each division is reported with what they have to do to be distinguished (which is fairly simple, just how many additional areas need to be distinguished.
Each area is listed with what it needs to do to be distinguished by June 30. Any clubs that are almost distinguished are also listed, those with 4 DCP goals, and those with 5+ DCP goals but short on the membership requirement.
During the fall and spring club visit season, clubs that have not yet had visits reported are listed. Also, any clubs that need a club coach assigned (12 or less members, no coach currently assigned) are listed.
The next four graphs show each critical success factor over the year to date, and also the performance for the previous four years, to enable easy comparison to history. Note that the last month for the current year is usually partial, and will increase as the month goes on. The paid clubs shows no current-year data until the October dues are recorded.
The next three graphs show the important success factors similarly. Distinguished clubs and areas show no data until the April dues are recorded (a club cannot be distinguished until the April dues are paid, meeting the end-of-year membership requirement).
The last graph shows the number of distinguished points that the district has earned, used for ranking the districts. Similarly, these are blank until April or May.